Thursday, July 21, 2011

Link Crew Program Receives Promising Practices Award for Character Education

July 20, 2011Tucson, AZ - The Vail School District in Tucson, Arizona has received a Promising Practices Award from the Character Education Partnership (CEP) in Washington, DC for effectively implementing Link Crew, a freshman transition program that promotes character, reduces bullying and improves attendance and grades.

“As we finish this school year and reflect on the violence that jolted the community of Tucson last January, our district is honored to receive recognition for our efforts to restore a sense of safety and caring in our schools, said Krysta Gypton, who heads the service learning program at the district.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Outline for Character Education Workshop
by Lori Butterworth

To bring this workshop to your school or group, please contact: The Boomerang Foundation

Meaningful partnerships with community nonprofit organizations can help young people build confidence in their ability to have a positive, direct impact on issues that are important to them. In this lively, humorous and interactive session, you’ll learn about what nonprofits are looking for…and not looking for… in teen volunteers. Participants will come away with a philosophical framework and practical tools that can be used to create community service programs that are aligned with the goals of the nonprofit sector.

Imagine youth taking leadership roles within nonprofit organizations to address emerging community needs. Imagine that any young person with an idea to make the world a better place is supported by nonprofit organizations willing to invest in and encourage their success.  

Friday, February 25, 2011


Santa Cruz High School Junior, Holly Borg, President of the Interact Club at Santa Cruz High and Area Director for Interact has done more to make the world a better place than most adults three times her age. Borg was awarded the first annual "Boomerang Foundation You Get Back What You Give Award" which includes a $500 scholarship. Holly plans to use the scholarship toward her dream to become a doctor serving those without access to medical care. Read more news from Boomerang...