Monday, February 7, 2011

When You're REQUIRED to Volunteer

So, you’ve been required to volunteer by your school, a teacher...or the court. It sounds like a huge effort and kind of a pain, right? You wake up early on a Saturday, do a ton of work, and all you get is a signed paper? Wrong. You can get A LOT more out of your donated time and energy than a signed piece of paper and a wasted Saturday, if you approach community service in this way:

Think about all of the things you like to do. Do you like to walk your dog? Cool, you can go around your neighborhood and walk your neighbors’ dogs. Like gardening? There are community gardens EVERYWHERE that could always use an extra set of hands! Do you obsessively watch Food Network and invent new varieties of cupcakes all the time? Put those skills to use, gather some friends together and raise money for a valuable cause! If you like to do art, volunteer at a preschool and help kids with their art projects.

The point is, there are thousands of possibilities. You can find organizations and causes which need your help and the best part is, you can actually have fun doing something good! All you have to do is look. Using our Volunteer Match service, you’re sure to find an organization working towards something you feel excited about and that aligns with your interests. There truly is something out there for everyone. If you’d rather start something on your own, and better yet, get your friends and family involved, we can help you there too!

If you are feeling lost and frustrated by your service assignment from your school, ask yourself this: why is my teacher making me do this? What is the point? Thought long and hard? Good. As much as this may seem like torture, your teachers are trying to show you something incredibly important: everyone needs a helping hand now and then and stepping up and giving that helping hand is incredibly rewarding.

And, they are trying to show you how awesome it is to be active members of our communities and to make our focus creating the best world we possibly can for ourselves and future generations. In short, we do good to make this world a better place. And that feels good! Every dollar raised, every hour of time donated really does make a difference. Your teachers don’t want you to sit by and let life happen; they want YOU to be the change you wish to see in the world!

Volunteering your time can help you to find new passions, have a lot of fun, make friends, AND even get school credit! Community service is golden experience to put on your college and job applications. Why? Because it shows that you are proactive, compassionate, and creative. Those are skills which every school and employer looks for!

So what are you waiting for? Go for it!!! Click Now!

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